Thursday, November 8, 2007

Best buy of the day!

I did my customary second day shopping at Target--the day after Target clears out all its Halloween merchandise at 90% off. I couldn't get to Target before 10:30 am yesterday so I asked a couple of friends to go there early and pick up some Halloween stuff for me. But unless one shows up promptly at 8am, most of the goodies would have been picked over by other Target "Queens". But that happened yesterday. I will talked about what happened today.

My son loved the Shrek costume I bought him yesterday at Target for $1.99. He wore it until dinner time. I was then kicking myself for not buying the Evil Knight costume because he would have enjoyed the mask, even if the costume was missing the sword and the shin guards. So I went back to Target today and tried to find that costume. The Halloween stuff at the Del Amo Target is pretty much picked over. The only thing left were bags of candy corns. I did find that Evil Knight costume, but it's now missing pants. So I took it to one of the cashiers and asked if she can give me a better price. She looked at it and said, how about $1.99 instead of $2.99 (regular price $29.99). I said OK immediately. The missing pants are black, so my son can basically wear any black pants and it would work. So I left Target a very happy woman.

I thought of hitting another Target in Manhattan Beach, but my car was low on gas, so I drove across the street and went to Toys R Us instead. I needed to get a copy of their Big Book of Toys. KOST 103.5 is doing a promotion where the winner of their call-in promotion can win all the toys on one page of the Big Book of Toys. Mark and Kim were talking about a specific page where there were over $1000 worth of toys. I had to see what was on that page. Not that I would have any chance of winning a radio call-in promotion, but I was curious.

Anyways, I went into Toys R Us intended to look at the board games they were advertising, but I couldn't find any of the rebate forms. So I started browsing the store. The first thing I saw was their Halloween rack. It said 70% off. I didn't see any costumes that appealed to me. But there were 15 Power Ranger Overdrive Treat Bags just hanging there. It was marked $0.10 each (regular price $0.79). I grabbed all of it since my son's birthday party is coming up. Whatever we don't use for the party, I can use it as a gift bag.

I went through the store and didn't see anything appealing except some great backpacks for $10 each. Not a bad deal, but I don't need any backpacks. At $2.50 each, I would have bought a lot.

So I ended my shopping at Toys R Us with $1.50 worth of treat bags. Then at the checkout, the lady said, "they are giving you more discount!" Surprised! My total came to $0.49 with tax. I think these treat bags were $0.03 each. So these treat bags were my best buy of the day.

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